Who are we?
Bridges to Safety is domestic abuse service center located in St. Paul, Minnesota. We serve victims/surivors of domestic violence from Ramsey County. We are a program of the Partnership for Domestic Abuse Services, a collaborative of 18 member agencies.
are unique - Bridges to Safety is one of the only domestic abuse
service centers in the United States that is a true collaborative of
many different organizations working together to end domestic violence.
Where is Bridges to Safety located?
to the generosity of the Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman, Bridges to
Safety is located at the Saint Paul City Hall in the heart of downtown,
15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Room 140.
What is a domestic abuse service center?
A center
where advocacy programs, community organizations, and governmental
agencies join together under one roof to provide safety and promote
justice for domestic violence victims and their children and hold
abusers accountable.
Why does Ramsey County need Bridges to Safety?
When all
services for domestic violence victims are located in one convenient
location, survivors more readily access and receive the critical help
they need in a timely fashion.
domestic violence advocates, attorneys, law enforcement, corrections,
and judicial systems are in constant communication with each other and
are located in proximity to each other, abusers are more likely to be
held accountable for their abuse.
What is the history of the Partnership for Domestic Abuse Services and Bridges to Safety?
Please go here to read more about our history and accomplishments.
What services do you provide at Bridges to Safety?
to Safety provides personal and legal advocacy, filing of Orders for
Protection, civil legal services, police and prosecution consultation,
child care while participants are receiving services, and referral to
shelter, permanent and transitional housing, employment, supervised
visitation, personal counseling, and other community partners. For more
information about getting help at Bridges to Safety, go here.
How is the Partnership for Domestic Abuse Services governed?
We are a
collaborative of 18 St. Paul and Ramsey County agencies, bound together
by a long and successful history of working together and by an
interagency agreement.
Our collaborative is led by a Governance Committee of St. Paul and Ramsey County leaders in the work to end domestic violence.
2019 Governance Committee Members:
Shelley Johnson Cline, St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project
Rosario de la Torre, Casa de Esperanza
Joseph Ambroson, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services
Amanda Jameson, Second Judicial District Domestic Abuse and Harassment Office
Maria DeWolf, St. Paul City Attorney's Office
Kelley Hempel, FamilyWise
fiscal sponsor is the St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project, a
highly respected nonprofit St. Paul criminal justice domestic violence
advocacy project.