How much do your services cost?
All services at Bridges to Safety services are provided free of charge. There is no filing fee when filing for an Order for Protection.
What are Bridges to Safety's hours?
provide services from 8:30am to 4:00pm, Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. Our office is currently closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
you need help after hours or on weekends or holidays, please call the
St. Paul Domestic Abuse Intervention Project 24 hours a day at (651) 645-2824.
Do I have to be in an emergency/crisis situation to get help at Bridges to Safety?
Absolutely not. You are welcome to come to Bridges to Safety any time during our office hours for support and resources from our partners.
Can I get help at Bridges to Safety if I don't live in Ramsey County?
you would like help and resources from one of our domestic violence
advocates, you are very welcome to come. However, if you'd like to file
an Order for Protection, either: a) you need to live in Ramsey County,
b) your abuser lives in Ramsey County, c) the abuse happened in Ramsey
County, and/or d) you've had a family court action in Ramsey County
with the abuser. To access help from legal aid, you do need to live in
Ramsey County. If you need to file an OFP or access any other services
in counties outside of Ramsey, our advocates will be glad to help you
find the resources you need.
Can I come to Bridges to Safety even if I don't want to file an Order for Protection?
We offer many different services for domestic violence victims at
Bridges to Safety. Filing an Order for Protection is just one
facet of our services and is always optional.
If I come to Bridges to Safety do I have to report the abuse to the police?
No. Making a domestic violence police report is entirely up to you and your particular safety needs. All of our services at Bridges to Safety are optional.
Do you provide shelter services at Bridges to Safety?
to Safety is not a domestic violence shelter. However, we are partners
with domestic violence shelter programs in Ramsey County. If
you need emergency shelter, we will work with our partners to find you,
and/or your children, safe shelter.
Do I need an appointment?
call (651) 266-9901 to schedule an appointment to meet with an
advocate. Appointments typically last around 2 hours.
free to call us at (651) 266-9901 if you have any
questions or want to determine the wait time for seeing an advocate or
filing an order. You can also file directly at the Domestic Abuse and
Harassment Office, which is located in Room 122 of the Juvenile and
Family Justice Center on 25 E. 7th St. in downtown St. Paul. You can
reach their office at (651) 266-5130.
Do you have more information about Orders for Protection?
Frequently Asked Questions About Orders for Protection.
Can I take my children with me to Bridges to Safety?
your children are very welcome! We offer supervised play for
children from 12 months to 12 years while you are receiving services with
us, including snacks and juice for the kids.
Can I bring a friend or family member with me for support?
you are very welcome to bring someone along with you to Bridges to
Safety. Please note, however, that our waiting room space is limited
and we ask that you bring just one or two people with you for support.
Is Bridges to Safety a safe and secure place?
Everyone who comes to Bridges to Safety must go through Ramsey County
Courthouse security, including a metal detector. In addition, Bridges
to Safety's office space has a number of security features to keep you
safe while you're here.